"The Christmas Schooner" Bailiwick Repertory Theater in Chicago Directed by David Zak. Based on a true 19th Century story about a schooner captain who crossed Lake Michigan each year to bring Christmas trees to Chicago's Clark Street dock.
"GYPSY" Bailiwick Theatre Chicago Nov 2000 thru Feb 2001 Susan played the part of Baby Louise the young Gypsy Rose Lee.
"Circle of Friends" Cast Nov 2001 - March 2002 Susan May was seen in Chicago as 'Josefina' at the American Girl Theatre
Tootie in "Meet Me in St Louis" Theatre at the Center, Munster, IN 12/99 - 1/00
"The Christmans Schooner" Christmas Ship Arrival and Celebration at Navy Pier Dec 1, 2000
"Meet Me in St Louis" Cast Theatre at the Center's production Directed by Michael Weber